The Netflix documentary Captains of the World featuring Simon Kjær aired on 30 December 2023. The Danish captain is being followed during the World Cup 2022 in Qatar, mainly in episode 2 of the show.
Simon Kjær's appearance in the Netflix show was announced in November 2022: Simon Kjær stars in Netflix documentary 'Captains' season 2. However, we had to wait more than a year for its release.
In Captains of the World, Simon Kjær is being interviewed in Milan, where he lives and plays for AC Milan. An interview straight from the heart. Furthermore, there's beautiful footage from Qatar. Despite of Simon Kjær's injury during the World Cup and the disappointing result for Denmark, this documentary once again shows that Simon Kjær is the greatest captain of them all.
Simon Kjær has been the captain of Denmark ever since 2016 and has been a true leader to the team.
Simon Kjær: "Leadership has always come naturally, but I've spent a lot of time on how I want to be perceived as captain, and how I act as a captain."
What else happened with Simon Kjær and Denmark during the World Cup 2022 in Qatar? This website covered basically all there was: Simon Kjær World Cup Qatar 2022. Match reviews, pictures, videos, interviews and more.